Friday, August 23, 2013


My 21st birthday party was really a good one. 
I was so afraid that most of y friends that i've invited wouldnt come 
butttt.... no! most of them came. 
Love you guys. 

Although it's really humid at the outside but i've booked the K room and the club house for them to stay inside if not it'll be really warm.

Buffet from SimplyBuffet.
The 5kg cake were all gone! bby didnt even get to eat it.
Glad that it's all gone because i'm so afraid that i will left at least the ''1'' or ''2''. That's what all of them said! 5kg mannnn so it's big! 
Usually ppl tend to order 3kg for 60 pax because not alot of ppl will eat cake plus there's left over too. Mine was really good(: 

Love all my balloons! My boyfriend prepared it for me.  

He's doing balloon business now so if any one of you want to order balloon arch, balloon column stand and any helium foil/rubber balloon can contact us! 

We dont have a official website yet but for the normal rubber or foil balloon with helium, we have it on

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